3 Steps for Clear Digital Work Instructions

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We already know that clear work instructions are the basis of everything. Whatever branch you are active in, work instructions are a must in any production environment so that your employees can perform their work independently, but also in a safe manner. Work instructions also help to improve and optimize your current processes within the organization. That is why it is essential that they are understood and actually deployed.

Step 1 – Ensure that employees have digital access to existing work instructions

The first step often taken by the manufacturer is to provide workers with easier access to existing procedures and instructions. And that means more than just granting access to current PDF versions on a shared drive. Employees must have access to any new, updated version. This is only possible if there is an existing digital platform.

Many factories turn to Azumuta for this, in order to give their employees direct access to digital instructions. Each workstation is equipped with a tablet with the Azumuta app. Operators can easily scan QR codes at workstations with their tablet. This way they receive up-to-date instructions and other relevant information directly on their tablet.

With Azumuta it is very easy to link existing info and integrations to the digital platform. Info can be uploaded en masse in the app and then organized according to standards, which will reflect production activities at factory, production, workstation and equipment level. Work instructions can be uploaded in their entirety and then split into practical lessons.

Step 2 – Support existing and new procedures with visual work instructions

After existing documents have been transferred to Azumuta, the next step is to specify each instruction using visual elements. Photos with clues and video lessons are faster and easier to understand than reading text, so it is important to visually support work instructions.

Azumuta uses a very flexible interface that makes creating videos and other forms of visual support very easy. Quick and easy editing, without plugins, directly applicable in practice.

Step 3 – Connect employees to solve problems in real time and share important updates

Communication, we should not overlook it. After entering existing work procedures and creating visual support, the opportunity to communicate comes.

Azumuta is designed to connect employees and teams to their teams, workstations and departments, leading to better insight and faster problem solving. When an unexpected problem occurs in production, employees can use Azumuta to communicate it to their supervisors. Employees can easily take photos and videos, which in turn allows experts to diagnose and fix the problem.

Once a solution has been found, reviewed and approved by all stakeholders, it can be converted into a new work instruction. This gives employees the opportunity to find solutions quickly and independently and avoids repeating the same problems.

Digital work instructions are a must-have today. It is necessary to move away from old methods to keep employees motivated but also involved in the company. The good news is that Azumuta makes it as easy as possible for manufacturers to switch to digital, visual work instructions that, of course, provide quick returns.

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