These reviews are extremely helpful to users worldwide and empower them to make the best decisions for their businesses.
An endorsement from you would be very grateful
Never done it before? We’re here to help. Take a look at the required steps for a G2 review below and see how easy it is.
Step 1: Visit Azumuta’s G2 profile
First, we would like to thank you for taking your time to provide us with a review on G2.
Visit Azumuta’s profile, scroll down, and pick the “Write a Review” option. You can also answer the question: “Have you used Azumuta before” with the “YES” button and start writing your review. It will bring you to the same page.
Step 2: Click on: Continue to Login
Sign into G2 by clicking on “Continue to login”. On this page you will also find out about some benefits of leaving a review for us.
Step 3: Login with account
Login with:
Option 1: Your LinkedIn account (We recommend)
Option 2: Your business e-mail.
Once you fill out the form, you’ll should receive an email for verification. Click on the link in the email.
Step 4: Fill out the Survey
The questions might seem like a lot, but they are around 12 questions that are easy to answer if you have already used Azumuta.
- You will be asked to add a title for your review
- Be sure to fill all the ‘required’ fields
- Some fields have a minimum character requirement indicated under the text box. Remember the more you write the better the score.
- Click on “NEXT” at the bottom of the survey
Step 5: Confirm you are an Azumuta user
This set is optional but recommended.
- Login to your Azumuta account
- Take a screenshot of your account on Azumuta and upload it on G2
Can I post my review anonymously?
Yes, you can absolutely post your review anonymously if you don’t feel comfortable leaving a review with your name attached. Near the bottom of the review form is an option that says, “I would like this review to appear as Unattributed.” If you check this box, your name, company, and image will not be publicly visible in the review.
How do I upload a screenshot (and what should it include)?
When reviewing a software, the screenshot upload option will appear when you select that you’re a current user on the first page of questions.
The moderation team uses screenshots to verify reviews, but rest assured these images are never displayed publicly or shared with anyone else.
Since we use screenshots for verification, there are a few things that should be included. Our team looks for a username, company name, or other proof of professional use so that moderators can see the product in use. If necessary, sensitive information can be covered or blurred as long as the screenshot is still useful for verification.
How do I write (or update) a review?
You can write a review right here!
If you’ve already left a review and you want to edit it any way, click here to see all of your previous reviews. Simply click “Edit review” to the right of the review that you want to change.
Why is it important to sign up before leaving a review?
It’s important to verify your identity on G2 to confirm that you are not a worker or competitor of the software you’re reviewing. Business emails are the best way to verify your information.