7 Quality Management Principles

Total Quality Management is a great way to deliver goods and services and simultaneously achieve higher consumer loyalty levels.
Four people sitting around a table and engaged in a meeting. Two laptops, a coffee cup, and a plant are on the table. The woman on the right is holding a piece of paper, while the others listen attentively. The setting appears to be a bright, modern office.
Published on:
03 February 2022
Updated on:
22 February 2024

The essential focal point of Total Quality Management is to meet clients’ necessities and give them fulfillment by providing them with totally ideal and impeccable products and services. One must genuinely comprehend that a company only succeeds if customers like what they have to offer.

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What Is Quality Management?

To keep up with the ideal degree of quality in any situation, we should preferably screen every one of the processes and strategies. Quality Management is the demonstration of accomplishing a benchmark level of value through forming a quality arrangementquality preparationquality affirmation, and quality control for holistic improvement.

Quality Management comprises of the strategies organizations use to guarantee that their goods, services, and associations reliably meet and develop according to their quality guidelines. In real life, quality management is frequently separated into four basic quality principles:

  1. Quality Planning
  2. Quality Assurance
  3. Quality Control
  4. Quality Improvement

Each of these is a fundamental piece of reliably giving and increasing the value for the client, the employee, and even the business. Total Quality Management is an amalgamation of all of these four classes. It is a way of thinking that each individual and interaction adds to the general nature and value of the organization. Keeping up with quality isn’t just a task for overseers and quality staff; everybody should be brought together and be focused on this objective.

Why Is Quality Management Important?

Quality management is essential for a variety of reasons such as but not limited to:

What Is Total Quality Management?

Total Quality Management comprises of strategies that organizations use to guarantee that their products, services, and linkages reliably meet and develop as per quality guidelines. Total Quality Management is an improvement of the four classifications of quality management.

It is the way of thinking that each individual and each cycle adds to the general nature of the organization as well as the production network. Keeping up with quality isn’t just a task for managers; everybody should be brought together and be ideally focused on this objective.

The 7 Principles of Total Quality Management

The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has decided on seven standards of Total Quality Management:

  1. Customer Focus
  2. Leadership
  3. Engagement of People
  4. Process Approach
  5. Improvement
  6. Evidence-Based Decision-Making
  7. Relationship Management

1. Customer Focus

Quality is fundamentally connected to the prerequisites of your client’s needs. To be practical, quality requirements should ideally coordinate to surpass client expectations. However, this is justifiably not an easy thing to implement.

Client necessities and assumptions are frequently developing and changing in the long run. Considering this, quality should be viewed as the customer’s viewpoint. Every client interaction is a chance to observe their needs and requirements. By zeroing in on the customer’s wants, your business grabs hold of a strong vision and reason. Client focus permits you to get prominent certainty, better standing, and more income.

2. Leadership

Embracing authority is the second rule of Total Quality Management. The leader adjusts every strategy and deals with the assets, cycles, and processes to accomplish its principal objective. Without initiative, an organization would not have the option to deal with and draw in the staff to keep up with the quality expected to accomplish the fundamental objective.

Leaders throughout the organization should be in total agreement regarding their methodologies and targets. With leadership that focuses on one direction, the remainder of the labor force follows accordingly and under a similar pattern.

3. Engagement of People

To take advantage of your employees, you want to initially accept that every individual can uniquely add value to your organization. Appreciating your workforce’s abilities, intelligence, and creativeness will empower them to share their experiences and skills. This is a fundamental requisition for top quality management, an all-inclusive goal.

Regardless of the size of your business, your organization is one single group. And to deal with any group productively, you want to include all individuals. If not, you won’t pull quality and worth from each region of your business.

4. Process Approach

No activity inside any organization exists in seclusion. Each cycle is undoubtedly associated with another strategy. There is no good reason for dealing with each interaction exclusively. Total quality management takes each process into account whenever creating changes or looking for prospects for continued development.

Having a reasonable comprehension of your organization’s interrelated processes will separate cross-utilitarian boundaries and give reliable and conventional outcomes.

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5. Improvement

For a company to become fruitful, it should have a continuous spotlight on progress. Improvement is essential for the progression and the manageability of any organization. Zeroing in on progress upgrades, the display works on the capacities of an organization and guarantees the satisfaction of client needs.

With new, innovative methodologies and client expectations developing at unprecedented rates, organizations need to seek progress at an equivalent speed. For this pace of progress to be potential, leaders need reliable information and adaptability. They need the capacity to assemble precise information and consolidate the best strategies as quickly as possible.

6. Evidence-Based Decision-Making

Often when confronted with a choice, we seek data from various sources. However, this can complicate matters when it comes time to make changes, as each source doesn’t contain the entire story. What is required is authentic information from a reliable source that screens all parts of your activity. This will give you an actual view of your company’s circumstances and logical links.

Azumuta gives fast information to its users so that they can progress in a unified direction. Track ongoing information and screen variances to see patterns and regions for development over the long run. This information is easily accessible with the goal that you generally have critical data for enhanced examination and better risk evaluation for future ventures.

7. Relationship Management

Like no interaction remains isolated, no organization does either. A great deal of discrete components and linkages within the stakeholder network affect an organization’s dealings.

One technique for dealing with these supply chain connections is advancing strategies to share systems, review results, and quality information with suppliers, clients, administrative bodies, and others. Use technological innovation for your potential benefit to team up with every individual invested in your business model and upgrade data progression.

Total Quality Management Examples

One of the most well-known examples of total quality management is perhaps that of Toyota. Toyota carried out the ‘Kanban System‘ to make its mechanical production system more effective. The organization chose to keep just an adequate number of inventories to satisfy client orders as they were produced.

Another implementation tool of Total quality management is Azumuta. This SaaS software tool supports industrial companies and frontline workers in digitizing elements such as work instructions, audits, quality controls on products, real-time feedback, training and competence management, etc.


Quality management or total quality management drives consumer loyalty by guaranteeing that reliable goods or services are produced. For achieving results surpassing client expectations, you should ideally want to execute a viable quality management process for your testing group. Modern-day innovation is taking massive steps in associating each worker with each interaction.

With the help of an absolute view of your activity combined with precise and accurate information, the seven fundamental principles of total quality management can easily be achieved. In the current cutthroat market environment, embracing technological innovation is a need. No matter the industry you’re in, take advantage of technological tools such as Azumuta and accomplish ultimate total quality management.

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A profile of an assembly operator is displayed on the left side, showing categories such as Pre-Assembly, Assembly, and Testing. Adjacent charts detail tasks like Cleaning, Assembly, Packaging, Pre-Assembly, and Testing, each with numerical values.
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