Digitization vs Digitalization, and Why You Need It

Do you ever wonder if your production floor is ready for the next big step within digitalization? Is your team eager to get started with new technologies?
Two people in blue work uniforms, one wearing safety goggles, stand in a factory setting, closely examining a tablet. Behind them, there is industrial equipment and a cage-like structure. Control panels with illuminated buttons are visible to the left.
Published on:
01 April 2021
Updated on:
22 February 2024

Digitalization creates significant opportunities for production companies and is full of challenges. In a rapidly changing digital world, companies are forced to remain innovative. Society has received a speed boost within digitization so consumers expect companies to keep up with it. As you can see, digitalization has a bigger impact than you would expect.

This trend is visible everywhere, including in the manufacturing industry. Within manufacturing companies this mainly relates to the transition from a “paper factory” to a “digital factory”. New technologies and innovations allow us to process information better and more efficiently. As a result, all administrative processes can be optimized in such a way that targets can be reached more quickly. How fantastic does this not sound?

Digitalization Is a Must

Software is an important requirement for having your business operations in order. One solution to this is digitization. But what do these two terms mean and are they really that important?

Indeed, they are essential for your business strategy. Digitization means transforming something into a digital format. Think of work instructionstime recordsaudits and the complete production follow-up. In this way you centralize all your work instructions in one location. A dream for many manufacturing companies, to be sure.

Digitalization has developed into a collective term for modernization of processes on the factory floor. Digital information is used worldwide by communication networks to store and process data. In digitalization, for example, you use a smartphone, tablet or computer to view work instructions. All offline systems such as paper or whiteboards are a no-go here.

Although we make the difference between these two concepts, as a company you have to decide for yourself where you want to grow in. But don’t forget: in 2021, digitization is a must.

After Digitization Comes Automation

Have you already digitized your company? Fantastic, then you are ready for the next step: automation. Automating your production is the cherry on the “digitization cake”. Are you convinced yet?

Implementing a software package is easy to achieve. It often becomes more difficult when you start combining several packages and programs. Well, for this Azumuta is going to provide support.

Do you choose our software? Then all of your business processes come together centrally in one location. Moreover, you can link Azumuta to the tools your production employees use daily, think of your CRM or ERP system. This way you get a full control over all back-office processes and keep an overview of the production floor.

Digitalization is used to improve production processes. In fact, a digital factory floor cannot exist without it. You can easily check which steps have been changed and trace who implemented them. Not satisfied? Put the old version back active in one click. Perfect, right?

A user interface displaying a report for Order #21-2345. The screen is split into two sections, with a list of items on the left and detailed information on the right, including charts and status indicators. A yellow circular button with a plus sign is at the lower-left corner.

The Benefits of Digitalization

Digitalization contributes to change within your company. New technologies offer new ways of working that were previously unavailable. This gives organizations access to new opportunities and markets, a true win-win situation.

In addition, efficiency improvements from digitalization are visible in the performance of the work delivered. This provides better visibility into the real-time data collection of the operator. All these improvements create a better decision culture.

Thanks to digitalization, you save a lot of time. Employees no longer waste time endlessly searching for documents from the past. If everything is noted digitally, employees can consult with each other faster and stay up-to-date on the latest changes. This way, there is no need to keep an agenda and the planning can be entered online. In this way, everyone gets the chance to get feedback that is presented in a competition matrix and you stay on top of progress. This not only increases productivity, but also speed.

Many companies still keep track of everything manually, which is inefficient. Paper can get lost and you can do less changes. With a digital system, you minimize the chance of errors and increase efficiency. It provides a better workflow, higher productivity and a whole new set of opportunities. In a nutshell, digitization benefits the factory floor on all sides.

Upgrade to Azumuta

Convinced of the digital support Azumuta can offer you? Make it easy for your company and keep an overview of the entire factory floor. In this way you can keep a close eye on the production.

Use Azumuta’s Platform

See how our platform can help streamline data collection, increase productivity, and increase quality assurance with a demo of Azumuta.

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A profile of an assembly operator is displayed on the left side, showing categories such as Pre-Assembly, Assembly, and Testing. Adjacent charts detail tasks like Cleaning, Assembly, Packaging, Pre-Assembly, and Testing, each with numerical values.
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