We’ve recently rolled out 3 new audit widgets, further enhancing the depth of insights available to support your audits:
Amount of Audits Over Time (Timeline) Widget #
This widget displays the number of audits that have taken place/are taking place within a given time period, classified based on their status – in the format of a bar chart.
That way, you can keep track of the progress of your plant’s audits and follow-up when needed.
The X-axis represents the time, while the Y-axis represents the number of audits.
Click here to learn more about this widget.
Chosen Audit Answers Widget #
This widget shows the answers (and their frequency) to product checks on audits within a given time period – in the format of a bar chart.
This widget is exceptionally useful if you would like to analyze one specific question/test within an audit deeply and its frequency over time.
For example, the image below shows the frequency of answers to the audit question: “What is the general level of awareness among plant employees regarding fire safety procedures?”
The X-axis represents the answers to the chosen product check type, while the Y-axis represents the quantity of those answers.
Click here to learn more about this widget.
Amount of Finished Audits per User Widget #
This widget shows the number of audits that have been finished by each employee within a user group in a given time period – in the format of a bar chart.
This audit is useful to keep track of your employees’ workload and performance.
The X-axis represents the employee names, while the Y-axis represents the number of audits that have been finished.
Click here to learn more about this widget.