Within Azumuta it is possible to add different kinds of product checks to a work instruction. Below, you’ll find an overview of the basic product checks that you can use in Azumuta.
The product checks that we consider as “basic” are the ones that we highlighted below.
Choice-Based Checks #
Ok/Nok Check #
What happens on this check: The operator will have to select an ok or not ok answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Yes/No Check #
What happens on this check: The operator will have to select a Yes or No answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Single Choice Check #
What happens on this check: With Single Choice, predefined values can be displayed to the operator. The operator can then select a single answer from one of the available options.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Multiple Choice Check #
What happens on this check: With Multiple Choice, predefined values can be displayed to the operator. The operator can then select multiple answers from one of the available choices.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Number-Based Checks #
Tip: For number-based checks, you can specify a range that the operator's response must fall within to be deemed acceptable.
Number Check #
What happens on this check: The operator will be asked to give a number as an answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Slider Check #
What happens on this check: In a slider check, the operator will be asked to drag the slider to enter a value as an answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Score Check #
What happens on this check: In a score- check, predefined numerical values can be displayed to the operator. The operator can then select a single numerical value from these.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Torque Check #
Click here to learn more about the torque check.
Text-Based Checks #
Single Line Check #
What happens on this check: In the case of a single line check, the operator is asked to enter a (free) single-line text as an answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Paragraph Check #
What happens on this check: In a paragraph check, the operator is asked to enter a (free) text as an answer when going through this check. This text may consist of multiple lines.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Barcode Check #
What happens on this check: In a barcode check, the operator is asked to scan a barcode (or alternatively, manually type in the barcode’s readable data string). Then, the values from the barcode will be saved as an answer in the product order work instruction report.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Barcode Options #
Here are the possible configuration options that are exclusive for this product check:
- Select the barcode type that will be used.
- If you want the values extracted from the barcode to follow a specific format, then you can input the format here. Please consult No.6 to see the characters that you can use to create a specific format. For example, you want the values extracted from the barcode to consist of 5-digit numbers. Thus, in this field, you should write “#####” (since the hashtag symbol represents a number, as shown on No.6). If the values extracted from the barcode do not consist of 5-digit numbers, then the instruction step will signal that the extracted values are invalid, and the operator won’t be able to proceed to the next instruction step. This feature helps to prevent any unwanted deviation.
- If this toggle is activated, then all spaces and newlines at the end of the values extracted from the barcode will be automatically deleted. This feature is useful to ensure data consistency across all product orders in your workspace.
- If this toggle is activated, then you can add a requirement for the values extracted from the barcode. For example, if you choose to only accept values in the form of numbers on No.2, you can add the requirement that the numbers must be bigger than 3 but smaller than 8. Thus, only the numbers 4-7 are accepted on the product check, and other numbers will be deemed invalid. To use this feature, please contact us via our support@azumuta.com email.
- If this toggle is activated, then the values extracted from your barcode can have multiple lines (rows). If this toggle is not activated, then only the first line of values from the barcode is extracted.
- These are the characters that you can use to adjust the format in No.2.
Masked Input Check #
What happens on this check: In a masked check, restrictions can be placed on the shape of the string entered by the operator. When going through this check, the operator must enter a value that meets the predefined restrictions in terms of form. This check is mainly used to prevent typing errors.
Note: Please note that when defining a masked input check, the entered value will always have to conform to this form. Therefore, it is recommended to use this check only when this form is always the same when an operator enters it.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Attachment-Based Checks #
Picture(s) Check #
What happens on this check: In a picture check, the operator is asked to upload a picture as an answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
Signature Check #
What happens on this check: In a signature check, the operator is asked to enter a signature and/or a name as an answer when going through this check.
This is how this check appears on the operator view:
File(s) Check #
What happens on this check: With a file check, the operator is asked to add an attachment file.
This is how this check appears on the operator view: