What Is an Official Version of a Work Instruction? #
An official version of a work instruction is a draft instruction that has been approved – either through single-person approval or multi-person approval.
Note: In order to use multi-person approval, you must have access to the "Continous Improvement" add-on. You can reach us through sales@azumuta.com to learn more.
Creating an Official Version of a Work Instruction #
In Azumuta a work instruction can be changed quickly and easily. When changes are made to a work Instruction, the current version of the work Instruction is automatically saved as a “Draft”. This draft version can be converted to a new official version by approving it, either through single-person approval or multi-person approval:
- Single-person approval: The work instruction needs to be approved by one person. It can be the work instruction creator or another authorized person.
- Multi-person approval: The work instruction needs to be approved by several persons using an approval flow before an official version is created.
Note: By default, all new work instructions have a single-person approval.
What If You Don’t Create an Official Version? #
When changes are made to a work Instruction, the current version of the work Instruction is automatically saved as ‘Draft’. This draft version can be converted to an official version by approving it. If it’s not yet approved, here are the possible scenarios:
- There is at least 1 official version of the work instruction: The previous official version of the work instruction will be shown to the operator. The changes still in draft at that time will not be displayed.
- There’s no official version of the work instruction yet: The operator will see theĀ “No approved version yet” pop-up message on their screen. The operator can’t use the work instruction.
How to See Which Work Instructions Need to Be Approved on an Article Category #
When changes are made to a work Instruction, the current version of the work Instruction is automatically saved as “Draft”. To get an overview of which work instruction needs to be approved and to consult their versions, apply the following steps:
- Go to an existing article category, and click on it.
- The approval status of work instructions and their status will be shown.
Note: This functionality is only available if you have access to the Quality Management module. You can reach us through sales@azumuta.com to learn more.