Populating an audit works the same way as populating any other work instruction.
Check out the links below to see how you can populate an audit:
The Work Instruction Step Editor is mainly used to add visual elements to an instruction step.
Time study is used to specify the time an operator needs to spend when working on an instruction step. In addition, it’s also used to keep track of the time they actually spend on that particular instruction step.
A product check is a control question that can be placed on an instruction step. It relays production-related data from the shop floor to an admin in real-time to ensure that there are no deviations throughout the production process. Whenever a deviation is detected on a product check, an admin will be automatically alerted.
A variant is a variation of a product based on their specifications. For example, several washing machines might have an identical build, but they have different cable plug types, as they will be sold to various countries with differing power outlet types. Thus, each cable plug type is a variant. Using variants, a single audit can be used as the basis to create multiple products (instead of creating an audit for each product – which is very time-consuming).