We’ve added a new type of product check: parts check.
This product check is used to ensure that operators only use the correct parts (and in the correct quantity) when assembling a product. You can add one or multiple parts to a part check.
In this product check, an operator must either scan a part’s barcode or manually type in the part number.
If the wrong barcodes/QR codes were scanned or the wrong part names were inputted, then the screen will show a red signal signifying that there’s an error, and the operator cannot proceed to the next step.
Similarly, if the number scanned barcodes/QR codes or inputted part names don’t match the required quantity set by the admin, a red error signal will appear, and the operator won’t be able to proceed to the next step until everything is in order.
This product check is useful to prevent incorrect parts from being used in the assembly process, as well as to ensure that the part quantity always matches the required specifications.
Click here to learn more about this feature.