What Is Displayed in This Widget? #
It can be helpful for supervisors to see the recording of work instructions across multiple product orders next to each other over time.
This widget will make it easier for supervisors to spot any abnormality or deviation over multiple product orders.
Note: Before creating a dashboard with this widget, make sure that the product orders have been executed (at leasy partially).
How to Deploy This Widget? #
Please follow the steps below to deploy this widget to a new dashboard. However, if you would like to deploy this widget to an existing dashboard, then you can navigate to that dashboard and start from step No.4 instead.
- Click on “Dashboards” on the side panel.
- Click on the plus icon under “Dashboards”.
- Type in the new dashboard name.
- Click on the yellow plus button on the bottom right of the screen.
- Navigate to “Report widget” under the “Product orders” widget category, and click on “Create”.
- Select the work instruction associated with the product order, and click on “Add”.
- Click on the date range (next to the widget name), and adjust the date range. Make sure that it covers the time period where the product orders were executed. Click on “Custom rolling range” for more date range options.
- When you’re done, click on “Save”.
- Click on “Yes”.
- Adjust the widget’s size as desired
Configuring the Widget #
Check out how you can configure an Azumuta widget here.