What Is a Recording? #
Azumuta has an exceptional feature: Recordings. A recording is an organized repository of data related to an audit event that has been executed (be it partially or completely) by an operator.
The types of data that are stored in a recording include:
- The version of the audit that was used on the audit event.
- The name of the operator that executed the audit event.
- The date & time of the audit event’s execution, as well as the date & time for the execution of each instruction step.
- The time spent by an operator on that audit event, as well as the time spent on each individual instruction step.
- The answer to all product checks on that audit event.
An audit recording can be used for various purposes, such as:
- Tracking & monitoring your plant’s compliance: you can use your audit recordings to keep track of your plant’s compliance with regulations and industry standards.
- A digitalized audit trail platform: Azumuta records and stores every detail of your audits – so you can use them at any point in the future.
- Benchmarking your plant’s performance: thanks to our user-friendly interface, you can easily compare the results of multiple audits. Thus, you can see your plant’s audit performance over time and formulate performance improvement plans.
- And many other use cases.
How to See the List of Recordings? #
There are 2 levels where recordings are stored:
- On the module level
- On the audit level
We will provide a more detailed explanation of both levels in the guide sections below:
How to See the List of Recordings on the Module Level #
- Click on “Audits & Digital Checklists” in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on “Audit Procedures”.
- Click on the “Recordings” tab.
Here’s an explanation of the recordings list in this module:
- This column shows the type of each recording and its status.
- This column shows the audit for each recording, as well as its version.
- This column shows the execution date & time of each recording, as well as the name of the operator that executed it/will execute it.
- This column shows the report for each recording. A report contains various valuable information, such as the answer to each product check, the date & time of each instruction step’s execution, and the duration spent by the operator on each instruction step.
- This column provides a three-dot icon for each recording. When clicked, you can fill out the audit (as an admin), edit the recording, delete the recording, and add/edit the status of the recording.
- Click to search for a specific recording.
- You can navigate between pages of the recording list here.
How to See the List of Recordings on the Audit Level #
Besides seeing the list of recordings on the module level, you can also see the list of recordings on the audit level. By doing this, you will only see the list of recordings that are linked to a specific audit.
Here’s how to see the list of recordings that are linked to an audit:
- Navigate to the audit for which you want to see the list of recordings.
- Click on the “Recordings” tab.
The list of recordings on the audit level will have the same interface as the one on the module level.
How to Search for a Specific Recording #
Besides navigating to the list of recordings on the module/audit level and looking for a recording manually, you can also use our Advanced search feature. This feature will lead you to the desired recording by configuring the search options.
How to Access the Advanced Search Feature #
But before we demonstrate you how to use the advanced search feature, we will first show you how you can access it. There are 2 ways to access the advanced search feature:
- By accessing it from the list of recordings on the module/audit level
- By accessing it from the search bar
Accessing the Advanced Search Feature from the List of Recordings on the Module/Audit Level #
- Simply click on “Advanced search”, as shown below:
Accessing the Advanced Search Feature from the Search Bar #
- Click on the search bar.
- Click on “Recordings”.
How to Use the Advanced Search Feature #
Now that you know how to reach the advanced search feature, we will continue by explaining how this feature works.
This feature has many search options that can be used to pinpoint you to a specific recording. Here are the search options that you can use:
- Select whether you would like to include/exclude all archived modules, folders, article categories, and audits in your search.
- Enter the name of the module/folder/article category/audit that hosts the recording you’re looking for.
- Select the module (s), folder(s), article category(ies), and audit (s) that you would like to include/exclude from your search.
- By ticking this, you can search for a recording by inputting its product order number name. (Only works for recordings that fall under the Quality Management module).
- By ticking this, you can search for a recording by inputting its execution date/date range.
- By ticking this, you can search for a recording by inputting an answer from an operator to one of its product checks.
- By ticking this, you can narrow your search by filtering recordings based on their status.
- When you’ve finished configuring the search options (No. 1-7), click on “Search”.
- After you’ve finished configuring the search options (No. 1-7) and you’ve clicked on “Search” (No.8), your search results will appear here.
- You can navigate between the search results pages here.
Note: You can use one or multiple search options.