What Is a Tag? #
A tag is a text-based command that will automatically transform into a specified data related to a ticket on an audit event. You can input the desired tags when editing a docx report on Microsoft Word.
In the guide sections below, you can find the list of tags that can be used on audit docx reports:
Note: Before following any the steps below, you must first link a docx report to an audit.
Today’s Date Tag #
To display today’s date on a docx report, simply use the following tag:
- {=today}
Example #
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Answer Tags #
What Is an Answer Tag? #
An answer tag is a tag that is specifically used in an instruction step that includes a product check. With an answer tag, an admin can easily see all of the answers given by an operator (and its supporting details) when they are executing an audit.
Basic Answer Tags #
Here’s the list of basic answer tags that you can use in a docx report:
- {user}: The full name of the operator that executed the audit.
- {instruction}: The name of the instruction step.
- {answer}: The answer that was given by the operator on that instruction step.
- {timestamp}: The timestamp for that instruction step’s execution.
- {date}: The date on which the audit was executed.
- {workinstructionName}: The name of the audit.
All answer tag formulas within a docx report table must begin with {#answer} and end with {/answer}. All other answer tags must be written in between {#answer} and {/answer}, as shown below:
Example #
For example, these are the answer tags that we included in our docx report (located within the green box):
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Using Checklists and Crosses to Symbolize True or False Answers #
Besides text-based answers shown above, you can also use a checklist symbol to represent a positive answer and a cross symbol to represent a negative answer on your docx report. However, this functionality only works with the OK/NOK check and the Yes/No check.
To do this, on the “Answer” column, instead of writing {answer}, you should write {#answer}✓{/answer}{^answer}✕{/answer} instead. Take a look at the example below:
Example #
For example, these are the answer tags that we included in our docx report (located within the green box):
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Advanced Answer Tags/UUIDs #
Besides using standard answer tags, you can also use Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) on a docx report. Using a UUID allows you to input data from any individual instruction step with a product check that you desire, in any order – into your docx report. This gives you much more flexibility than basic answer tags.
However, unlike a basic answer tag, a UUID doesn’t allow a loop in your docx report. This means that you will have to manually copy the UUID from Azumuta, paste it into your docx report, and then add the answer tag next to the UUID for each cell in the table in your docx report.
How to Find a UUID #
Here’s how you can find the UUID for an instruction step in Azumuta:
- Click on Audits & Digital Checklists on the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Audit procedures.
- Click on the targetted audit.
- Click on the Docx Reports tab.
- You’ll see a set of letters and numbers on a curly bracket under each instruction step that contains a product check. That is a UUID.
How to Use a UUID in the Docx Report #
Here’s how to use a UUID in a docx report:
- Copy the desired UUID.
- Paste it into the correct cell in your docx report.
- Type in the required additional answer tags (see the formulas below) where they are needed.
Here are the answer tag formulas for UUID-based docx reports and the information they display:
- {UUID}: The operator’s answer to the product check
- {UUID:instruction}: The instruction step name
- {UUID:user}: The name of the user account that filled in the check
- {UUID:timestamp}: The time when the check was filled
- {UUID:label}: The answer to an OK/NOK check (only applicable to instruction steps with an OK/NOK check)
Example #
For example, these are the UUID answer tags that we included on our docx report (located within the green box):
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Image Tags #
Displaying an Image on a Docx Report #
On a docx report, you can display multiple images. Here’s how to display one:
Note: This feature only works with instruction steps that have a picture check.
For an image that was sent by an operator on a product check:
- {UUID}
If an operator gave a remark for an image captured during a product check, you can also display the remark using this tag formula:
- {UUID:remark}
For the {UUID:remark} tag: If there’s a “%” sign at the beginning of the UUID, you should delete it.
Adjusting an Image’s Size #
To adjust the width & height to 7.5 cm:
- {UUID@7.5}
To adjust the width to 10 cm and the height to 5 cm:
- {UUID@10×5}
To adjust (only) the height to 6 cm:
- {UUID@*x6}
To adjust (only) the width to 6 cm:
- {UUID@6x*}
The numbers above are just examples. You can type any number that you desire.
Example #
We will use the highlighted instruction step below in our example:
These are the tags that we included on our docx report:
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Ticket Tag #
What Is a Ticket Tag? #
When a ticket is submitted, it becomes visible on its improvement board. Besides that, it’s also possible to display this ticket in a docx report by using a ticket tag.
In this guide section, we will focus on tickets that are submitted on audit events.
The Ticket Tag #
Adding a ticket tag to a docx report can be done by adding the following to your docx report:
{#issue}Issue {issue}{/issue}
Workinstruction: {workinstruction}
Block: {block}
{#instruction}Instruction: {instruction}{/instruction}
You can adjust the image size that will appear on your docx report by editing the part of the tag shown below. Click here to learn about adjusting image size on a docx report.
- {%images@7.5x*}
Example #
We copied the tag above and pasted it into our docx report, as shown below:
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event:
Recap Tags #
What Is a Recap Tag? #
A recap tag is a text-based command used to recap key information about an audit event The following information can be sourced using recap tags:
- The status of an audit that is linked to an audit event.
- Whether any of the product checks that fall under that audit event have been answered or not.
- The number of answers to the product checks that fall under that audit event.
- Whether there’s any issue related to that audit event.
- The number of issues related to that audit event.
Which Recap Tags Can You Use? #
Here is the list of tags that you can use, as well as the information that they will display:
- {s_the audit’s API attribute}: The status of the audit that is linked to an audit event. Click here to see how you can view an audit’s API attribute.
- {hasAnswers}: Whether any of the product checks that fall under that audit event have been answered or not.
- {answerCount}: The number of answers to the product checks that fall under that audit event.
- {hasNotes}: Whether there’s any issue related to that audit event.
- {noteCount}: The number of issues related to that audit event.
Example #
For example, these are the answer tags that we included in our docx report (located within the green box):
And this is how it appears after we downloaded it from an audit event: