On the previous guide webpage, we’ve discussed how you can add a parameter formula to an image in an instruction step. On this guide webpage, we will cover how you can do the same thing with a work instruction step.
You can add a parameter formula to a work instruction step, which will transform into a real parameter on a work instruction on your operator’s device. Here’s how:
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Select the targeted work instruction.
- Go to the work instruction step where you would like to write the parameter formula on, and click on it. Alternatively, you can also create a new work instruction step.
- Input the formula with the following format on the targeted work instruction step description: “${Insert parameter name here}”. For example, in the video, the chosen parameter is “Body Material”. Thus, we wrote “${Body Material}” on the work instruction step description.
- Close the work instruction, and approve it.
Tip: You can add multiple parameter formulas to a work instruction step.
This configuration can be viewed by operators on an activated product order. Here’s how to view it:
- Go to the targeted product order.
- Click on the targetted work instruction.
- Navigate to the work instruction step where the parameter has been added to.
In this video, the chosen parameter is “Body Material”, and the answer is “Stainless Steel”.
Note: This feature only works on work instructions that are linked to a product order.