What Types of User Accounts Are There in Azumuta? #
There are two types of user accounts in Azumuta: admins and operators.
An admin is the manager of an Azumuta workspace. They can use Azumuta’s modules and add-ons to create, edit, share, and delete contents. In addition, they get to assign operators to do shop floor tasks based on these contents.
If an admin is the “manager” of the shop floor, then an operator’s role is the “doer”. An operator executes contents (e.g, work instructions, product orders, etc.) that has been assigned to them by their admin. An operator can also create, edit, share, and delete contents, albeit at a very limited capacity.
An admin mainly uses Azumuta on Web, while an operator mainly uses the Azumuta App. Learn more about the differences between the two platforms here.
Before going further in this guide webpage, it’s important to know that only admins can add new user accounts.
How to Add an Admin User Account to Azumuta #
- Click on “Users” under “Management”.
- Click on “Overview”.
- Click on the yellow plus button.
- Click on “Create admin”.
- Select the admin group that you would like to assign this admin into. If there are no admin groups on your workspace, then you’ll need to create one. See how you can do it here.
- Fill in the available fields (only the groups, first name, last name, and email address fields are mandatory).
- Click on “Save”.
Afterward, this person will receive instructions on how to create an Azumuta user account on their email address.
How to Add an Operator User Account to Azumuta #
- Click on “Users” under “Management”.
- Click on “Overview”.
- Click on the yellow plus button.
- Click on “Create operator”.
- Select the operator group that you would like to assign this admin into. If there are no operator groups on your workspace, then you’ll need to create one. See how you can do it here.
- Fill in the available fields (only the groups, first name, last name, and email address fields are mandatory).
- Click on “Save”.
Afterward, this person will receive instructions on how to create an Azumuta user account on their email address.