In Azumuta, a product order is generally executed via the app from an operator’s device. Here’s how to do it:
How to Work on a Product Order #
- Click on “View product orders” on the homepage.
- Click on the product order that you would like to work on.
- Undergo all of the work instructions listed on that product order.
As an operator, you can pause your work at any moment. Simply click on the back button, as shown in the image below. Your progress will be automatically saved.
How to Finish a Work Instruction #
When you’ve executed all of the work instruction steps, click on the Finish button at the end of the work instruction.
How to Finish a Product Order #
After all of the work instructions for a product order have been completed, click on the Finish product order button. Afterward, the status of the product order will become “Finished”.
What If, in a Single Product Order, There Are Multiple Products That Need to Be Made? #
When creating a product order, an admin can specify the quantity of the product that needs to be made, under the “Amount” field, as shown below:
If the amount of product in a product order is greater than 1 (for instance, the amount is 4 in the example above), then there’s a different procedure to finish a product order:
- At the last work instruction, instead of clicking on the Finish button, you should click on the Book Amount button instead.
- Type in the amount of products that you’ve made. The amount should be at least equal to the amount of products in that product order.
- Click on “Book pieces & Finish”.
- Click on “Ok”.
- Click on the Finish product order button.
Work Instruction Progress Status #
There are several possible progress statuses that can apply for work instructions on a product order. Take a look at the images below:
- The work instruction hasn’t been implemented at all.
- The work instruction has been partially implemented.
- The work instruction’s implementation has been completed.
- The work instruction hasn’t been implemented at all, and the deadline date is imminent or has passed.