What Is a Variant Tag? #
A variant tag is a text-based command used to display a variant that is linked to a product order in a docx report. In this case, a variant must be first linked to an article. Then, this article will be used as a basis to create a product order.
Note: Before following the steps below, you must first link a docx report to an article category.
How to Add a Variant Tag to a Docx Report #
A variant tag can be added to a docx report by typing in this formula: {#v_variant name}Variant variant name{/v_variant name}
The variant name (in the required format for the formula above) can be found by clicking on the variant name under the product order page. The video and image below illustrate it well:
Example #
In the article category shown above, there are 6 variants:
Based onĀ the washing machine’s capacity:
- Fill weight 8kg
- Fill weight 9kg
- Fill weight 10kg
Based on the plug type:
- Plug type B
- Plug type C
- Plug type G
Meanwhile, the product order that we will attach a docx report to will only be linked to 2 variants out of the 6 available variants (Fill weight 9kg and Plug type C).
The image below shows the variant tags that we typed in on our docx report. If you noticed, we typed in the formula for all 6 variants that exist in the article category that we’ve shown earlier.
We recommend you to do the same, which is to type in the formula for all variants that are linked to that particular article category. Thus, the same docx report file can be used for all product orders that are based on that particular article category.
Take a look at the image below to see how it will appear on the docx report that we’ve downloaded (click here to learn how to download a docx report).
In Azumuta, a docx report will only display the variant(s) that is linked to that product order. It will not display variants that are not linked to that product order. That’s why on the image of the docx report below, only the “Fill weight 9kg” and the “Plug type C” variants are shown.