What Is a UUID? #
Besides using standard answer tags, you can also use Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUIDs) on a docx report. Using a UUID allows you to input data from any individual work instruction step with a product check that you desire, in any order – into your docx report. This gives you much more flexibility than basic answer tags.
However, unlike a basic answer tag, a UUID doesn’t allow a loop in your docx report. This means that you will have to manually copy the UUID from Azumuta, paste it into your docx report, and then add the answer tag next to the UUID for each cell in the table in your docx report.
Note: Before following the steps below, you must first link a docx report to an article category.
How to Find a UUID #
Here’s how you can find the UUID for an instruction step in Azumuta:
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on the targeted article category.
- Click on the Docx Reports tab.
- You’ll see a set of letters and numbers on a curly bracket under each work instruction step that contains a product check. That is a UUID.
How to Use a UUID in the Docx Report #
Here’s how to use a UUID in a docx report:
- Copy the desired UUID.
- Paste it into the correct cell in your docx report.
- Type in the required additional answer tags (see the formulas below) where they are needed.
Here are the answer tag formulas for UUID-based docx reports and the information they display:
- {UUID}: The operator’s answer to the product check
- {UUID:instruction}: The work instruction step name
- {UUID:user}: The name of the user account that filled in the check
- {UUID:timestamp}: The time when the check was filled
- {UUID:label}: The answer to an OK/NOK check (only applicable to work instruction steps with an OK/NOK check)
Example #
For example, these are the UUID answer tags that we included on our docx report (located within the green box):
And this is how it will appear on the docx report (click here to learn how to download a docx report):