How to Create an Article #
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Select an existing article category.
- Click on “ERP Configuration”.
- Click on the yellow plus button.
- Insert the data on the existing fields (only the article number/name is mandatory).
- If parameters are needed, click on the Parameters tab and insert the data on the existing fields.
- Click on “Add”.
Tip: When multiple articles use the same work instruction(s), but the instruction steps to be followed are slightly different between these articles due to product variations, it's still possible to place all of these articles within the same article category. However, you will need to use Variants. Click here to learn how to link a variant to an article.
How to Edit an Article #
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Select the article that you would like to edit, and click on the three-dot icon next to it.
- Click on “Edit”.
- Do the desired edits. You can also configure the parameters for that specific article by clicking on the “Parameters” tab.
- When you’re done with the edits, click on “Save”.
How to Delete an Article #
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Select the article that you would like to delete, and click on the three-dot icon next to it.
- Click on “Remove”
- Click on “Remove” again.
How to Archive an Article #
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Select the article that you would like to archive, and click on the three-dot icon next to it.
- Click on “Archive”.
- Click on “Archive” again.
How to See the List of Archived Articles and How to Un-archive an Article #
Here’s how to see the list of archived articles
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Set the “Show Archived” switch to on. Afterward, all archived articles will be displayed with the label “Archived” next to them.
- To unarchive an article: Select the article that you would like to archive, and click on the three-dot icon next to it.
- Click on “Un-archive”.
How to Link Variants to an Article #
When articles are linked to an article category, it is possible to configure the corresponding variants with these article(s). When the article number is received, Azumuta will display the appropriate work instruction steps based on this one-time configuration. This ensures that the operator only sees the instruction steps that apply to them for this specific article.
This ensures that no unnecessary or irrelevant steps – which apply to other variants and articles – are displayed to the operator. Thus, only the correct variant will be displayed on the work instruction steps.
Manually configuring the variants of an ERP article can be done in the following way:
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Click on “Variants” ,the one next to “List”.
- Tick/untick the boxes to match the correct article to the correct variant.
Parameters on an Article #
Click here to learn more about the use of parameters in an article.
How to Preview an Article #
Are you curious about how the set of work instructions for an article will look from your operator’s screen? The good news is—you can always preview it!
The work instructions will be automatically displayed based on the configured variants and parameters entered for that specific article. You can navigate through the different work instructions and steps, zoom in on the added images, check on the linked parameters, and so much more. Here’s how to do it:
- Click on Quality Management in the homepage sidebar.
- Click on Quality Procedures.
- Click on an existing article category.
- Click on the “ERP Configuration” tab.
- Next to the article that you would like to see, click on “Preview”.
- There, you can select the content that you would like to see.